Purpose, Passion, and Partnerships: Blueprint for Re-Imagined Systems of Care

Room: Virtual Auditorium

Michael O’Neil is a thought leader who is passionate about patient and family engagement. Following his own treatment for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, he emerged inspired with a vision for transforming the patient experience. Michael launched Get Well Network in 2000 to tackle an unaddressed problem: empowering patients to take control of their healthcare journey. GetWellNetwork has since engaged 100+ million patients in 5 countries. Mental health is health, and unfortunately, we see many similar challenges of patient voice, choice, and access to high-quality services across our mental and behavioral health systems. As we face the most vexing mental health challenge of our lifetime, Michael will share a new vision for what it will take to develop reimagined systems where all young people and families can access the right care, in the right place, at the right time.



Must watch ALL 3 Keynote Presentations LIVE & Complete Evaluation to Receive a Total Credit of 2 CEs

In Person: NASW & Attendance

Virtual LIVE (MUST watch LIVE): NASW & Attendance

Virtual Recorded: No Certificates Available