Using a Neuro-Transactional Approach to Support Young People with Complex Care Needs
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. CST
Over the past thirty years, the understanding of the brain has been growing at an amazing rate. Essential information is now available to those in the helping fields that requires a practical knowledge of how relational and ecological experiences, both positive and negative, shape the brain and, as a result, how the brain drives behaviors. Dr. Baker will introduce the Neuro-Transactional approach, that promotes hope, optimism, and opportunity. This approach provides positive, brain-based supports that are grounded in research proven theories and practices. Drawing from the easy to understand aspects of neuroscience, positive psychology, ecological theory and relational practice, Dr. Baker will discuss how our brains are continuously developing within the contexts of our relationships and given environments. From the moment we are born, our brains are learning to respond to these experiences. Discussion will include ways that the Model promotes transformation of negative experiences into positive outcomes through the power of strong, supportive relationships and Neuro-Dynamic Interventions.