Increasing Our Understanding of Trauma-Informed Care

Room: Olmsted 1-3

Throughout the behavioral health and social services field, programs are utilizing trauma-informed services. However, when our understanding of trauma is limited to physical, emotional and sexual abuse our lens is limited. We miss the trauma experienced by having a loved one incarcerated, living in poverty, being discriminated against, etc. It’s crucial that providers broaden their definition of trauma to encompass the many traumas youth experience. Without an increased understanding of trauma-informed care, it is challenging to effectively support youth and their families.

It’s also important for providers to understand youth from a trauma-informed rather than a trauma-focused lens. When we only see the trauma and the negative aftermath of it, we can fail to see the strength, resiliency and grit trauma survivors exemplify. The presenter will discuss the differences of the two lens and strategies to ensure we work with youth and their families from a trauma-informed lens.


Nicole Klasey, Psy.D.

Consultant , Klasey Consulting
