Decision Support Application for Behavioral Health
Behavioral health services support the healthy functioning of individuals. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the lack of behavioral treatment impacts healthcare delivery costs and decreases patient outcomes. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that both depression and anxiety have increased over time in youth aged 6 – 17 years. One reason for limited access to behavioral services is the low number of professionals available to provide services. Each of these limited behavioral specialists makes treatment decisions based on their unique experiences. Behaviorists often record and report patient’s data on paper or using siloed single-user databases. In this study, we design an application that will collect and standardize data in Short-Term Residential Treatment Programs (STRTP) to enhance the decision-making process. STRTPs create treatment plans by coordinating care between various types of behavioral health specialists. These individuals make dozens of daily decisions that impact the healing process of those enrolled in services.
Arun Aryal, Ph.D
Assistant Professor , California State University Los Angeles