If We Use Restraint, Can We Really Say That We Are Offering Trauma-Informed Care?

This workshop particularly explores the relationship between trauma-informed care and restraint. Research evidence and what it does and does not tell us about the relationship between trauma-informed care and restraint will be presented along with Youth Development Institute’s (YDI) practice evidence on use of the Six Core Strategies© to eliminate restraints and enhance trauma-informed care.  Youth who have experienced care in multiple placements will also present their experiences and perspectives.



Must attend In-Person & Complete Evaluation to Receive a Total Credit of 1.5 CEs

In Person: NASW & Attendance

Virtual LIVE: No certificates – not livestreamed

Virtual Recorded: No certificates available.


Trish Cocoros

Co-Founder , Youth Development Institute (YDI)

Email: trish.cocoros@ydi.org

Iain Matheson, Ed.D.

Director , Research Centre for Better Outcomes from Fostering and Residential Care

Email: iain@betteroutcomes.org.nz