We Don’t Just Do – We Also Know: Pathways to Leadership in Child and Youth Serving Settings

In this guest presentation, Dr. Gharabaghi provides a short but very concrete framework for thinking about career development in child and youth serving settings. Specifically, he challenges pre-service and early career practitioners to think about how they can use their emerging practice wisdom as a force in the ongoing development of service excellence. The focus is on the development of skills and competencies to take everyday experiences with young people and abstract from these new evidence of what works and what does not.

Dr. Gharabaghi provides insight into the Child & Youth Care program at Toronto Metropolitan University in Toronto, Canada and how this program aims to integrate practice and an emergent capacity to contribute to the field through knowledge, research, and diverse perspectives representing the lived experiences of especially racialized, Indigenous and Black communities.


Kiaras Gharabaghi - Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

Dean, Faculty of Community Services and Professor, Child & Youth Care , Toronto Metropolitan University

Email: k.gharabaghi@ryerson.ca