Post Pandemic-Redux: Let’s Get Back to Preventing Violence and Use of Seclusion and Restraint

Room: Virtual Auditorium

The Covid 19 pandemic tasked all of us working in healthcare. It is hard to focus on anything but survival, day to day, when an event like this occurs. We all lost a lot of great staff and many have not come back. We also lost a lot of “institutional memory” when that years long event happened. As leaders we are now faced with “going back” to “catch back up…”

This keynote is designed to 1) introduce, or, 2) re-acquaint you with the basics of the Evidence-Based Practice: Six Core Strategies:  Toward Preventing the Conflicts and Violence that Lead to the Use of Seclusion and Restraint in Behavioral Health Facilities. Kevin Huckshorn, the presenter, was the lead principal investigator in the development of this EBP (2002 to present). She will discuss the importance of Leadership; the Use of Data; Workforce Development; Inclusion of Peer Support and Families/Advocates; Prevention Tools; and Rigorous Debriefing in reducing the use of these traumatic interventions that can lead to both physical and emotional injuries with young people in care and the staff who serve them. This work goes hand in hand with the Building Bridges Initiative principles and SAMHSA’s vision for Behavioral Health Services.

“Violence is the language of the unheard…” MLK, 1966



Must watch ALL 3 Keynote Presentations LIVE & Complete Evaluation to Receive a Total Credit of 2 CEs

In Person: NASW & Attendance

Virtual LIVE (MUST watch LIVE): NASW & Attendance

Virtual Recorded: No Certificates Available