Train the Trainer Curriculum




This curriculum was developed as part of BBI’s commitment to supporting states, counties, cities, provider associations, and numerous systems and disciplines. BBI recognizes the criticality of assisting stakeholders that are invested in improving sustained positive outcomes for youth and families post-residential intervention. This curriculum will enhance stakeholders’ capacity to enhance the knowledge and skills of employees who work with youth and families. Development of this curriculum was a partnership between BBI, several stakeholders, youth and family advocates, and experts in various areas which was guided by a Steering Committee to ensure its relevance and usefulness in the field. Their combined expertise ensured that the topics included were both vital to serving youth and families and enhancing the effective implementation of the BBI Framework.






The modules included in the curriculum are:
  1. BBI’s Mission, Core Principles, and Joint Resolution: describes how organizations are aligned with BBI in these areas and identifies resources that support BBI’s mission, core principles and joint resolution
  2. Trauma-Informed Care and Recovery: includes key principles and strategies for applying a trauma-informed approach to providing services to youth and families
  3. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion & Culturally and Linguistically Competent Approaches: describes culturally and linguistically competent approaches and strategies, and addresses the importance of cultural and linguistic competence, and diversity, equity, and inclusion in human resource and organizational practices
  4. Strengths-Based Approach and Individualized Treatment: defines a strengths-based approach to treatment planning, decision-making, and support, and outlines strategies and best practices for individualized treatment planning and interventions.
  5. Family-Driven Care: defines the concept and discusses strategies associated with family engagement and its importance in attaining positive youth outcomes
  6. Youth-Guided Care: provides strategies for engaging youth in all aspects of treatment and decision-making and its importance in achieving positive outcomes
  7. Evidence- and Practice-Informed Permanency Approaches: outlines the importance of employing evidence and practice-informed approaches in securing permanency for youth
  8. Sustained Positive Outcomes: includes practices used in residential settings that can be used effectively in home and community setting


Each module includes research-based information, key definitions, exercises, and strategies. In addition, resources such as videos, website links, resources, and references are included to allow further examination of each topic

*Access to these modules is available with the purchase of the Train the Trainer Curriculum. Complete this inquiry form or contact us for more details.


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