Self-Assessment Tools

Overview of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) Self-Assessment Tool (SAT)


This BBI survey assesses the supports and services provided to children and adolescents (sometimes referred to as ‘child’, ‘children’ or ‘youth’ throughout this document) and families receiving a residential intervention. For the purpose of this survey, a residential program is a congregate care program that provides treatment and/or supportive services for youth and families – ideally both in the program and in their homes and communities.

To develop the SAT, youth, families, parent/youth peer partners and other residential stakeholders studied the timeframe before, during, and after a residential intervention. They made a list of the most important strategies community and residential providers engage in working together to provide effective practices for youth and families. The survey asks questions about how often staff, family, youth, and community partners believe these practices occur.

Your answers will help the residential provider who is using the SAT make improvements to their practices.

Preferably, the SAT would be completed by all disciplines of staff of a residential program, the youth and families served, and community partners. Some residential providers have chosen to complete subsets of the SAT at different times and for different groups of residential stakeholders; this can make completion more feasible.

This survey is not just about the residential intervention, but also about how well various community partners and the residential program work together to support the needs of youth and families served.

For more detailed instructions and a glossary of terms, please (click here).

Please keep in mind that you do not have to complete the survey in one sitting. If using the same device (with the same IP address) and you would like to exit the survey and come back, you have the option to do so as this survey will save the place where you left off until you click the “DONE” button at the end of the survey.

Updated! Building Bridges Self Assessment Tool (English)

Building Bridges Self Assessment Tool (Spanish)

Instructional Guide: Strategies for Successful Implementation of the Self Assessment Tool

Self Assessment Tool (SAT) Glossary