Research Committee
ACRC’s research committee vets potential research projects and develops internal research. Recent initiatives have included EHRs (electronic health records) and serving CSEC (commercially sexually exploited) youth. The committee members may have research experience or just an interest in the topic.
Meet our Research Committee Chair, April Wall-Parker & Co-Chair, Chris Delap!
Residential & Community Metrics Compendium
Collecting data in youth residential and community programs allows agencies to assess the needs and strengths of their population, monitor treatment outcomes, and understand how alternative interventions may impact outcomes. There are, however, many factors that make it difficult to collect this data, including the lack of any centralized resource for finding appropriate measurement tools. The ACRC Data Metrics Subcommittee (a subgroup of the Research Committee) has created a resource for agencies to help with identifying measures relevant to our work.

This metrics compendium includes information on over 100 measures that capture factors relevant to youth and families who access residential and community services. To begin, choose the primary category which you are measuring:
The inclusion of an assessment or measure within this compendium is not an endorsement for its use. This tool is to be used as an informational resource only to aid providers in finding tools that may fit their needs. We acknowledge that this is not a complete list of all measures that are available to providers.
For questions or suggested edits/additions