Nicole Hauser is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker born in Colorado Springs, CO but would consider herself a Wyomingite. She graduated from the University of Wyoming in 2005 with her Bachelor in Social Work and in 2007 with her Master in Social Work. She has spent her social work career working with at-risk youth. She is currently the Executive Director for Cathedral Home for Children in Laramie, WY – a non-profit organization that provides services from wraparound, crisis shelters, group homes, residential treatment, and aftercare. Nicole also serves on the Wyoming Youth Services Association board and is a governor appointed member of the State Advisory Council on Juvenile Justice. You can find Nicole, her husband Nick, and two young girls at just about any University of Wyoming sporting event – Go Pokes!
Nicole Hauser

Membership Committee Co-Chair
Executive Director, Cathedral Home for Children
Laramie, WY