Residential Directors Affinity Group

Most organizations that provide residential interventions employ a solo residential director. This nuanced role has few peers with the same level of responsibility. Join ACRC’s new affinity group to connect and engage with residential directors from across the...

Replacing Coercive Interventions Affinity Group

Let’s continue to create cultures of care! Join ACRC members in ongoing conversations around replacing coercive strategies with trauma responsive interventions. While all organizations are further along the path to reducing and eliminating restraints, removing point...

ACRC Recreation Therapy Affinity Group

Many ACRC members utilize recreation staff as education, exercise, and therapeutic interventions for the young people in their programs. As these roles are specialized and unique, forming connections with other professionals in these roles can be extremely beneficial....

Anti-Racism Platform Meeting

To create an equitable society, we must commit to being antiracist in all aspects of our work. Whether you are starting with a personal journey or leading your organization through a transformation, we are providing resources and supports recommended by your ACRC...