As each new generation enters the workforce a whole new set of dynamics develop in supervisory relationships. When “The Millennials” entered the workforce about 15 years ago the TV show 60 Minutes did a show suggesting the Millennials entering the workforce “would destroy everything you hold sacred”! There was near hysteria across organizations and agencies looking for strategies to supervise this new generation that was perceived to have such a different work ethic, different values, less desire to ‘pay their dues’ etc. Although at times it was a rocky ride, everything we hold sacred sacred was not destroyed, Millennials contributed much positive and we learned a lot. But now…it is Generation Z creating a similar stir. Of course there are also issues with younger supervisors supervising older workers who may not want to adapt to newer ways of doing things. This highly interactive workshop will look at characteristics of those in each generation and what generational dynamics influence them in the workforce. It will also present strategies to most effectively supervise those in each of the generations. The training will be delivered in the presenters’ conversational “coaching style” (see for description)’ Participants are encouraged to bring real life issues to class for discussion and to share their ideas.