I’m a current ORR provider looking to increase my capacity.

ORR Providers
Rolling Solicitation
for UC Providers
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to supporting the Unaccompanied Children (UC) program. As a current UC provider, you are a critical partner in the care of vulnerable children seeking asylum. Your leadership is needed now, more than ever, as the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), seeks to address the current surge in unaccompanied children presenting at the southern border.
The goal is to ensure high quality care on day one for children entering ORR custody. This means taking a different approach and intentionally shifting from larger facilities to smaller, community-based provider settings that use developmentally appropriate, trauma-informed approaches to provide care. This shift is critical for the existing response of the UC program and the long-term shift to build a UC system that employs a child wellbeing framework through a strong and broad provider network.
Next Steps:
Step #1 – Determine Your Additional Desired Capacity/Role
As ORR seeks to increase new capacity, there is a need for experienced UC providers to serve as “prime” or lead contractors willing to bring other smaller providers under their umbrella contract, providing technical assistance and best practice guidance to those subcontractors. ORR will share the list of interested and eligible subrecipients with current ORR grantees to allow for provider choice and potential development of subcontractor relationships.
ORR is also interested in proposals from current UC providers related to case management, transportation, and other services. This is a separate process from the typical grant supplement process. Proposals will be reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis, and the contract opportunity will remain open through July 30, 2021.
Step #2 – Submit your proposal online according to the instructions in the Request for Quote (RFQ) for ORR Shelter and Transitional Foster Care Services.
Access the contract solicitation HERE
Please direct questions about this contract solicitation to the Office of Refugee Resettlement Unaccompanied Children Program at DUCO_POInfoRequests@acf.hhs.gov. If you have an outstanding supplemental packet or proposal that is awaiting approval through the grants department, you can reach out to Rose Hacking at rhacking@deloitte.com to check on the status.