Barbara F. Wilson, LCSW, MSW
Senior Training and Consultation Specialist at Rutgers-University Behavioral Health Care, Behavioral Research and Training Institute for the New Jersey Children’s System of Care (CSOC), with 30+ years of experience in behavioral health settings, with an expertise in System of Care development. Barbara’s educational background is in Child Development and Family Studies, and has completed three post graduate Certificate programs: Autistic Studies through Antioch University; The Traumatic Studies Program through the Trauma Center of Brookline, Massachusetts; and Level 1 of the Institute of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. Barbara is a member of the Promising Path to Success Coaching Team where she is coaching New Jersey CSOC residential providers in the use of trauma informed practices and principals, utilizing the evidenced based model of 6 Core Strategies for Restraint and Seclusion Reduction, of which she is a faculty trainer; as well as the Nurtured Heart Approach, of which she is an Advanced Certified trainer. Barbara is on faculty with Building Bridges Initiative, and a part time lecturer at Rutgers Graduate School of Social Work.
Barbara Wilson, LCSW, MSW
Senior Training and Consultation Specialist
Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care, Behavioral Research and Training Institute (BRTI) for the Children’s System of Care (CSOC)