The Transformational Readiness Assessment Tool is available in two versions, one for oversight agencies and one for provider organizations that typically include residential programs.
Ideally, the Transformational Change Readiness Assessment Tool should be completed by the organization’s most Senior Leadership Team.
For provider organizations teams should be minimally composed of the CEO/Executive Director, CFO, and the Chief Clinical Staff Member. Additional members of the Senior Leadership Team should also be encouraged to complete the survey. It is recommended that additionally, at the CEO/Executive Director’s discretion, the Board Chair be invited to complete the survey.
For oversight agencies the assessment should preferably be completed by the Senior Leadership Teams from the various divisions involved in your State’s Transformational Change Efforts. These individuals might typically include senior leadership staff from child welfare, behavioral health, juvenile justice etc. within roles that encompass practice, policy, and fiscal and regulatory levels
The links to the organizational and residential surveys are below.
Transformational Change Readiness Assessment Tool (Agency Version)
Transformational Change Readiness Assessment Tool (Oversight Agency Version)
If desired, BBI can contract with an organization to make these available via an online version of the survey, provide analysis of the results, and consultation as your organization navigates their individualized change process. Please reach out to Mark Nickell at for more information.