Shifting Culture and Challenging Assumptions about Connecting Families

Room: Live - General Ballroom

Allambi care is an Australian company presenting on our journey connecting children in out of home care to families and lifelong networks. Connecting children back to their families has been an important focus for our organisation, we have reviewed our practice framework and aligned our values to ensure this remains at the forefront of our work. This presentation focuses on how our organisation worked with our internal programs and our governing bodies to shift culture and challenge assumptions to be able to advocate for best practice for the young people we support. The presentation will focus on a number of case studies that demonstrates the barriers that were overcome through aligning on core values and believes, and the journey we took to achieve lifelong connections. Allambi have been able to help work through the assumptions people hold and overcome how they get in the way of stepping up and speaking out for the best interests of the young people we care for and their families. We will take you through a journey on shifting people away from the default position of pessimism or negativity and move to working together to get and keep children connected.

In Person: NASW, NY & Attendance
Virtual Recorded: No Certificates available for this recording. 

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Barry McGrady

Cultural Therapeutic Specialist , Allambi Care

Glen Simpson

People, Support and Culture Manager , Allambi Care

Nekia Stewart

Senior Psychologist , Allambi Care

Rebecca Shiels-Earl

Family Search & Engagement Manager , Allambi Care

Sally Sutton

Learning and Development Coordinator , Allambi Care

Tineal Corrigan

Fostering and Permanency Manager , Allambi Care

Dr. Paul Baker

CEO , Accentra Behavioral & Educational Services