Module 6: Overview

MODULE 6: Family First Prevention Services Act and Qualified Residential Treatment Programs


  • This module provides general information about the federal Family First Prevention Services Act (Family First) child welfare legislation and its requirements related to residential interventions, highlighting strategies that providers, families, and oversight entities can use to assist them in meeting these requirements.
  • In February of 2018 new federal child welfare legislation, called the Family First Prevention Services Act (Family First), was enacted. It replaced the category of “group and institutional placement” with four specialized non-family placement settings (described below under Key Concepts and Definitions). Essentially, it narrowed the non-family settings that can receive federal reimbursement.
  • While the legislative requirements are relevant to providers of residential interventions contracting with Title IV-E child welfare or tribal agencies, they are the type of requirements that all providers of residential interventions will want to consider implementing, regardless of their funding source. The intent of the requirements reflects best practices that align with the research on long-term positive outcomes for youth and families post-residential discharge.
  • Some states are requiring providers of psychiatric residential treatment (PRTFs) to become Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTPs). The requirements for QRTPs are reflective of Building Bridges Initiative’s best practices and are consistent with the research regarding the achievement of positive long-term post-residential outcomes post residential discharge.
Module 6 Family First & QRTP Resources

Building Bridges Initiative Family First Prevention Services Act Informational Document: Comparison of Federal Requirements for Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTP) and Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF) (2019, March). Building Bridges Initiative.

Building Bridges Initiative Technical Assistance Offerings to Support Oversight Agencies and Residential Programs with Ensuring Quality Implementation of Family First Prevention Services Act Opportunities for Residential Intervention. (2019, Fall). Building Bridges Initiative.

Kuppinger, A., Hust, J.A., Hunt, P., Mosby, P., Hammack, S., & Caldwell, B. (2020). Putting families first: Strategies to transform and advance family engagement and partnership. In B. Caldwell, R. Lieberman, J. LeBel, & G.M. Blau (Eds.), Transforming Residential Interventions: Practical Strategies and Future Directions (pp. 8–30). Routledge.



The National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care (National CLAS Standards)