TRC 2020 Summit Agenda
November 4th & 5th

Wednesday, November 4th
9am CST
Data and Evidence on Residential Outcomes: How do we gather what is essential for practice, evaluation and policy goals?
Presenters: Lisa Holmes, PhD & Christopher Bellonci, MD
Workshop A
11am CST
Organizational social context of residential care settings and youth’s psychopathology: the role of youth-caregiver relationship quality
The Building Bridges Initiative: Data-Informed Practices and Tools
Demonstrating the effectiveness of a residential education program for disengaged young people
Enabling Young People’s Participation in Residential Care Decision Making
Moral Distress in residential Child Care
Thursday, November 5th
9am CST
Looking Beyond Our Borders: What Therapeutic Residential Care in Other Countries can Teach Us
Presenters: Sigrid James, PhD & Bethany Lee, PhD
Workshop B
10am CST
Australian therapeutic residential care responds to COVID19: Challenges and opportunities
Effective Implementation of the Teaching Family Model with Indigenous Persons and Families
Workshop C
11am CST
Child Labor Trafficking: The Overlooked Form of Human Trafficking Impacting Youth and Young Adults
Sharing our Experiences of Partnering with Families of Young People in Residential Care
“Consumer” perspectives: Youths’ ratings of residential group care quality using a statewide sample
Co-producing a Staff Wellbeing Charter with Residential Children’s Home Practitioners